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Transwonderland: Noo Saro-Wiwa and Steven Varni in conversation 1000 525 Barbara Del Mercato

Transwonderland: Noo Saro-Wiwa and Steven Varni in conversation

A new event from the cultural program organized around Edmund de Waal’s exhibition “psalm” (May 8th-Sept 29th, 2019)

Thursday, June 13th 2019

5.30 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Aula B Ca’ Bottacin, Dorsoduro 3911, Venice

Noo Saro-Wiwa

in conversation with Steven Varni

Presents Looking for Transwonderland (Granta Books 2012, Translated in Italian  by Caterina Barboni as In cerca di Transwonderland, 66th&2nd, 2015)

Noo Saro-Wiwa was brought up in England, but every summer she was dragged back to visit her father in Nigeria — a country she viewed as an annoying parallel universe where she had to relinquish all her creature comforts and sense of individuality. After her father, activist Ken Saro-Wiwa, was killed there, she didn’t return for several years. Recently, she decided to come to terms with the country her father given his life for.

Saro-Wiwa travels from the exuberant chaos of Lagos to the calm beauty of the eastern mountains; from the eccentricity of a Nigerian dog show to the decrepit kitsch of the Transwonderland Amusement Park. She explores Nigerian Christianity, delves into the country’s history of slavery, examines the corrupting effect of oil, and ponders the huge success of Nollywood.

She finds the country as exasperating as ever, and frequently despairs at the corruption and inefficiency she encounters. But she also discovers that it si far more beautiful and varied than she had ever imagined, with its captivating thick tropical rainforest and ancient palaces and monuments. Most engagingly of all, she introduces us to the many people she meets, and gives us hilarious insights into the African character, its passion, wit and ingenuity.

Please find here the complete cultural program organised around Edmund de Waal’s psalm.

Learn more about psalm here


This event is in English and open to all.

In collaboration with 66th&2nd

Noo Saro-Wiwa
Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi: Psalming 1003 487 Barbara Del Mercato

Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi: Psalming

A performance which is part of the cultural program organized around Edmund de Waal’s exhibition “psalm” (May 8th-Sept 29th, 2019)

Venice, 16/06/2019, performance 5 times during the day (see details below) Ateneo Veneto, San Marco 1897

psalming – di/by Filippo Michelangelo Ceredi (40’)

Performance in dialogo con psalm/biblioteca dell’esilio di Edmund de Waal/Performance in dialogue with Edmund de Waal’s psalm/library of exile

con/with Astrid Casali, Mercedes Casali, Liber Dorizzi, Fabio Guidotti

collaborazione alla drammaturgia/dramaturgy advice Gaia Clotilde Chernetich 

a cura di/curated by Susanne Franco

Attraverso il linguaggio del corpo, della voce e della scrittura psalming vi invita ad abitare la biblioteca dell’esilio partecipando a un movimento di echi e dissolvenze.
Through the language of body, voice and writing, psalming invites you to inhabit the library of exile by participating in a movement made of fading echoes.


La performance avrà luogo cinque volte nell’arco della giornata del 16 giugno, alle ore: 11.00 – 12.00 – 15.00 – 16.00 – 17.00.

The performance will take place five times on June 16th at: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Ingresso libero, prenotazione obbligatoria: bookings@psalmvenice.org

Free entrance, booking is essential: bookings@psalmvenice.org.

Please find here the complete cultural program organised around Edmund de Waal’s psalm.

Learn more about psalm here

In collaboration with:

June 16th, 2019 at 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Free event, but booking is essential: bookings@psalmvenice.org

Nato a Locarno nel 1982. Cresce e studia a Milano, dove si laurea in filosofia. Nell’audiovisivo lavora come assistente alla regìa di Marco Bechis, segue la realizzazione di serie web e realizza progetti da videomaker. Dal 2012 inizia una formazione teatrale seguendo laboratori e lavorando come tecnico e nel 2016 debutta a Danae Festival con “Between Me and P.”, presentato successivamente a Santarcangelo Festival 2017, Short Theatre 2018 e Festival Parallèle 2019



Tales of Exile, Poems of Exile: Edmund de Waal returns to Venice 800 450 Barbara Del Mercato

Tales of Exile, Poems of Exile: Edmund de Waal returns to Venice

Two new events from the cultural program organized around Edmund de Waal’s exhibition “psalm” (May 8th-Sept 29th, 2019)

Venice, 06/06/2019 at 5.00 p.m. at Ateneo Veneto (Sala Tommaseo): Tales of Exile

Venice, 07/06/2019 at 5.00 p.m. at Ateneo Veneto (Aula Magna): Poems of Exile

On June 6, Edmund de Waal will return to Venice to dialogue with five writers at the Ateneo Veneto about the themes of his exhibition, psalm.
With: Lisa Appignanesi, Laura Forti, Helon Habila, Danielle McLaughlin, Sabine Scholl.

What is exile? How many forms does it take? Which books in the Library of Exile were most inspiring to the authors? We will hear various stories of exile (with simultaneous Italian translation) from Nigeria, Italy, Austria, Ireland, England… but also Chile, Poland, and the United States. The event starts at 5 PM, and reservations are essential: bookings@psalmvenice.org

On June 7, the Library of Exile (in the Aula Magna of the University of Veneto) will host a rich afternoon of readings, with three poets who will alternate with readers from the Casa delle Parole.

With Michael Kelleher, Jaroslav Mikolaewsky, André Naffis-Sahely and Casa delle Parole.

Poets will share original and classic texts on exile, ranging through time and between languages; these texts are housed together in the Library of Exile, which for weeks has been welcoming thousands of visitors. The event starts at 5 PM, and reservations are essential: bookings@psalmvenice.org


Edmund de Waal torna a Venezia, all’Ateneo Veneto, per dialogare il 6 giugno con cinque scrittori intorno ai temi della sua mostra psalm.

Con: Lisa Appignanesi, Laura Forti, Helon Habila, Danielle McLaughlin, Sabine Scholl.
Cos’è l’esilio? Quante forme ne esistono? Da quali libri ospitati nella Biblioteca dell’Esilio sono stati più ispirati gli autori? Nigeria, Italia, Austria, Irlanda, Inghilterra… ma anche Cile, Polonia, Stati Uniti  saranno i paesi dai quali ascolteremo (con traduzione italiana simultanea) vari racconti dell’esilio. Inizio alle ore 17, è necessaria la prenotazione: bookings@psalmvenice.org
Il 7 giugno la Biblioteca dell’Esilio (nell’Aula Magna dell’Ateneo Veneto) ospita un ricchissimo pomeriggio di lettura, con tre poeti che si alterneranno ai lettori della Casa delle Parole per condividere testi originali e classici sull’esilio, spaziando nel tempo e tra le lingue, e abitando insieme la Biblioteca dell’Esilio che da settimane sta accogliendo migliaia di visitatori.
Con Michael Kelleher, Jaroslav Mikolaewsky, André Naffis-Sahely and Casa delle Parole.
Inizio alle ore 17, è necessaria la prenotazione: bookings@psalmvenice.org

In collaborazione con: Wyndham Campbell Prizes, Casa delle Parole, lineadacqua, Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani

Please find here the complete cultural program organised around Edmund de Waal’s psalm.

Learn more about psalm here

Tales of Exile: June 6th, 5 p.m. Ateneo Veneto (Sala Tommaseo) San Marco 1897 Venezia – Italian translation available

Poems of Exile: June 7th, 5 p.m. Ateneo Veneto (Aula Magna) San Marco 1897 – The event is in English and Italian, no translation available

Booking is required for both events: bookings@psalmvenice.org

The Law and Love in Schelling’s Pauline Anthropology 460 288 Tom Carlson

The Law and Love in Schelling’s Pauline Anthropology

May 31, 2019 at 10:00 a.m.

Robertson Gymnasium 1000A

Schelling’s late philosophy is rightly held to have a strong, if not simply one-dimensional, connection to the question of the religious, and a particular investment in Christianity. Here I will investigate one particular aspect of that connection: Schelling’s philosophical reappropriation of the Pauline critique of the Law.

By the Law, Schelling understands the moral law, and so the condition of possibility of any universal normative ethics. Such an ethics, Schelling seeks to show, is irreconcilably at odds with the concept of personhood. But only as persons can we hope to live lives well-pleasing to God – lives, that is, in which our estrangement from the world, our fellow man, and God is overcome. It is thus only by striving to establish a relationship from person to person, from individual seeker to personal God, that consciousness can hope to be reunited with God in actuality and attain what one might call blessedness or, in more everyday terms, genuine happiness.

Schelling’s Pauline anthropology thus forms the hinge between the two halves of his late system, that is, between his purely rational, a priori negative philosophy on the one hand, and the historical movement which consciousness goes through in its relation to the divine in his so-called positive philosophy on the other. This anthropology, elaborated in the 24th lecture of the late text known as the Philosophical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mythology, thus forms not merely a poignant but a privileged site for thinking through what meaning the religious has for Schelling’s metaphysical and ethical thought.


Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Philosophical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mythology, Lecture 24.

Le strade per il Talmud – Stefano Bartezzaghi, Rav Roberto Della Rocca, Benedetta Tobagi, Shulim Vogelmann 1024 576 Barbara Del Mercato

Le strade per il Talmud – Stefano Bartezzaghi, Rav Roberto Della Rocca, Benedetta Tobagi, Shulim Vogelmann

Un nuovo appuntamento nel calendario di eventi culturali che accompagnano la mostra “psalm” di Edmund de Waal (8 maggio-29 settembre 2019)

Venezia, 29/05/2019 ore 17.30,  Ca’ Bottacin (Dorsoduro 3911)

Pubblicato per la prima volta a Venezia nel Cinquecento, il Talmud è un’opera che segna la cultura ebraica, fondendo insieme rito, interpretazione, filosofia, legge, narrazione. In occasione della prima traduzione italiana integrale, quattro voci diverse ci aiutano a scoprire come un lettore non specialista può avvicinarsi a questo capolavoro del pensiero.

In collaborazione con Giuntina

Ca’ Bottacin, Dorsoduro 3911, Venezia

Posti limitati, è necessaria la prenotazione: bookings@psalmvenice.org

 Please find here the complete cultural program organised around Edmund de Waal’s psalm.

Learn more about psalm here

May 29, 2019 at 5.30pm

Ca’ Bottacin, Dorsoduro 3911, Venice

L’incontro è in italiano/The event is in Italian

Booking is required/la prenotazione è obbligatoria: bookings@psalmvenice.org

Archives of the Present: Mayank Austen Soofi and Dayanita Singh in conversation (Introduced by Anna Gerotto) 1024 768 Barbara Del Mercato

Archives of the Present: Mayank Austen Soofi and Dayanita Singh in conversation (Introduced by Anna Gerotto)

A new event from the cultural program organized around Edmund de Waal’s exhibition “psalm” (May 8th-Sept 29th, 2019)

Venice, 22/05/2019 at 5.30 p.m. Ca’ Bottacin (Dorsoduro 3911)

Archives of the Present: Introducing the Mayank Austen Soofi Archive

Dayanita Singh and Mayank Austen Soofi in conversation

Introduced by Anna Gerotto

 Mayank Austen Soofi is a writer, blogger, journalist and photographer based in Delhi, India. For more than a decade he has been creating stories and images out of the megacity. Artist Dayanita Singh calls him the “Chief Archivist of Delhi”. Mayank Austen Soofi is now organi­sing his ongoing work, a literary and artistic form in itself, into a massive online archive.

In the garden of Ca’ Bottacin from 4.30 to 7.30: “Somewhere in Delhi collection – Prints on Khadi”, a project by Anna Gerotto based on Mayank Austen Soofi’s photos.

 Please find here the complete cultural program organised around Edmund de Waal’s psalm.

Learn more about psalm here

May 22, 2019 at 5.30pm

Ca’ Bottacin, Dorsoduro 3911, Venice

The event is in English

No booking is required

Programma culturale in concomitanza di “psalm” di Edmund de Waal 1001 1024 Barbara Del Mercato

Programma culturale in concomitanza di “psalm” di Edmund de Waal

Il Center for the Humanities and Social Change dell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia collabora con Edmund de Waal organizzando un ricco programma di eventi culturali che accompagneranno la mostra “psalm” (Venezia, 8 maggio-29 settembre 2019)

Il Center for the Humanities and Social Change dell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia è partner ufficiale di un importantissimo evento artistico che si apre l’8 maggio a Venezia. L’artista e scrittore inglese Edmund de Waal, famoso a livello mondiale come ceramista e autore del best seller Un’eredità di avorio e ambra porta a Venezia in anteprima mondiale una doppia installazione intitolata “psalm” (salmo), destinata a girare poi nei più prestigiosi musei del mondo.
Presso l’Ateneo Veneto de Waal ha costruito la “Biblioteca dell’esilio”, una struttura temporanea rivestita in porcellana liquida applicata su foglia d’oro, che ospiterà quasi 2000 volumi di autori che hanno vissuto l’esperienza dell’esilio, da Ovidio ai giorni nostri.
Edmun de Waal ha scelto Ca’ Foscari per l’organizzazione di un ricco programma culturale legato ai temi della mostra: l’esilio, la persecuzione degli scrittori, l’importanza della parola. Da Maggio fino al 29 settembre gli spazi della mostra e la sede del Center for the Humanities and Social Change a Ca’ Bottacin si animeranno con letture, performance, conferenze, seminari, concerti, documentari e altro ancora. Tra gli ospiti più prestigiosi citiamo Ben Okri, Stefano Bartezzaghi, Benedetta Tobagi, Haim Baharier, Philippe Sands, André Aciman Eva Hoffman, Mary Hoffman, Dayanita Singh, Noo Saro Wiwa, David Grossman e lo stesso Edmund de Waal.
Il programma completo è disponibile qui
Periodo di apertura della mostra “psalm”
8 maggio – 29 settembre 2019
Il sito della mostra:  www.psalmvenice.org
Sedi della mostra:
San Marco, 1897 –  Campo San Fantin
30124 Venezia
Campo del Ghetto Nuovo
A Defense of Reading at the End of the World 795 1024 Tom Carlson

A Defense of Reading at the End of the World

May 13, 2019 at 2:30 p.m.

Robertson Gymnasium 1000A

In 1936, Wallace Stevens argued for the need for a poetic response to the crises of his age, writing that “[t]he poet who wishes to contemplate the good in the midst of confusion is like the mystic who wishes to contemplate God in the midst of evil.” And what of the prosaic academic who wishes to read literature in the midst of our contemporary crises? In my talk I will present a theory of literature and reading as a mode of knowing the (normative, narrative, and historical) conditions of our humanity, based on Michael Polanyi’s work on tacit knowledge and his conception of reality as the condition of inquiry and discovery. I then invite seminar participants to collaborate in putting this theory into practice with a consideration of Robert Lowell’s apocalyptic 1946 poem “The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket.”


Michael Polanyi, The Tacit Dimension, Ch. 1 (“Tacit Knowing”), pp. 1-26.
Robert Lowell, “The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket.”


Michael Polanyi, “Meaning” Lectures 1 (“From Perception to Metaphor“) and 2 (“Works of Art“).

Lindsay Atnip is a PhD candidate in the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago. Her recently-submitted dissertation is entitled “From Tragic Form to Apocalyptic Reality in Four American Works: Toward an Epistemological Theory and Practice of Reading.” She also teaches in the University of Chicago Graham School’s Basic Program of Liberal Education for Adults.

Lee Bontecou, Sixth Stone I, 1964. Color lithograph on paper, 93 x 71.

Opening of the “psalm” cultural program: Ben Okri and Edmund de Waal 1024 899 Barbara Del Mercato

Opening of the “psalm” cultural program: Ben Okri and Edmund de Waal

The Venice Center for the Humanities and Social Change collaborates with Edmund de Waal organising a rich cultural program around his exhibition “psalm” (May 8th-Sept 29th, 2019)

Venice, 10/05/2019 at 5 p.m.

May 10th, at 5 p.m. Edmund de Waal and Ben Okri present The Library of Exile, a fascinating project based in the Aula Magna of Ateneo Veneto and part of a larger exhibition which is on display also at the Jewish Museum of Venice.

Full program here

Booking is essential: bookings@psalmvenice.org

Learn more about psalm here

Republics and Republicanism: Theory and Practice. Heritage / Present and Future Perspectives 910 720 Barbara Del Mercato

Republics and Republicanism: Theory and Practice. Heritage / Present and Future Perspectives

The Venice Center for the Humanities and Social Change supports this conference on “Republics and Republicanism” organized by the Venice International University: 

Venice (San Servolo), 3-5/05/2019 

The aim of the conference is to discuss Republicanism in a broad, multidisciplinary and worldwide perspective, and to initiate a series of such meetings to be held in Venice every two years.

During recent decades, Republicanism has become a central concern in political theory and history. This body of thought emerged as the main alternative to Liberalism, when Marxism lost this role after the fall of the Berlin Wall. There is a renewed interest today, while searching for solutions to mounting populism and personalization of power; the issue of inequality and the crisis of democracies….

Continue reading on conference website

Venice International University

Isola di San Servolo
30133 Venice,

phone: +39 041 2719511
fax:+39 041 2719510
email: viu@univiu.org

The event is in English

Admission free

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