A Cartography of Love

A Cartography of Love 974 660 Tom Carlson

February 8, 2019 at 10 a.m. Robertson Gymnasium 1000A It is a common grievance among readers of the work of Martin Heidegger that the existential analytic of Daseinhe develops is…

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A documentary by Nakul Singh Sawhney

A documentary by Nakul Singh Sawhney 500 300 Barbara Del Mercato

The Venice Center for the Humanities and Social Change presents the screening of the documentary “Muzaffarnagar eventually”, by Nakul Singh Sawhney. Followed by a discussion with the author and with…

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Climate of Doubt

Climate of Doubt 500 280 Tom Carlson

January 25, 2019 at 10 a.m. Robertson Gymnasium 1000A The persistence of climate change denial in spite of popular and scientific consensus of the human impact on global warming seems…

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Venice HSC Lecture Series: Edward Wilson-Lee and The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books

Venice HSC Lecture Series: Edward Wilson-Lee and The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books 1024 576 Barbara Del Mercato

The Venice Center for the Humanities and Social Change in collaboration with Bollati Boringhieri presents Edward Wilson-Lee in conversation with Maria Del Valle Ojeda Calvo and Igiaba Scego about his…

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“Religious Affections” and the Birth of Publicity in Modern America

“Religious Affections” and the Birth of Publicity in Modern America 1024 662 Tom Carlson

January 18, 2019 at 10 a.m. Robertson Gymnasium 1000A The public expression of anger and even hate that we witness in our time—stirred up on social media and at campaign…

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Werner Herzog’s Post-Tragic Aesthetic: a Kierkegaardian Perspective

Werner Herzog’s Post-Tragic Aesthetic: a Kierkegaardian Perspective 1024 943 Tom Carlson

January 11, 2019 at 10 a.m. Robertson Gymnasium 1000A Many of Werner Herzog’s films portray protagonists who exhibit forms of subjectivity that dangerously overflow the conditions imposed by the substantial…

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Krise, Kritik und Zukunft des Sozialstaats

Krise, Kritik und Zukunft des Sozialstaats 724 1024 Susann Schmeisser

Im Rahmen der Reihe „Critical Theory in Context“ (Lehrstuhl für Sozialphilosophie/Center for Humanities and Social Change, HU Berlin) diskutieren Claus Offe (Professor Emeritus of Political Sociology an der Hertie School…

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Barrikadengespräch: Aneignung und Enteignung: Zur Wohnungsfrage

Barrikadengespräch: Aneignung und Enteignung: Zur Wohnungsfrage 738 1024 Susann Schmeisser

Auseinandersetzungen darüber, wie überhaupt noch sichergestellt werden kann, dass Häuser bewohnbar oder Mieten bezahlbar bleiben. Damit aber sind ganz generelle Fragen angesprochen: Was macht es aus unseren Städten, wenn Wohnraum…

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Problems of Property

Problems of Property 720 1018 Susann Schmeisser

Property is a key institution both in the capitalist economy and in liberal political orders. Property law regulates access to material goods as well as symbolic status, it is seen…

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Seminar with Jonathan Lear: Gettysburg Mourning

Seminar with Jonathan Lear: Gettysburg Mourning 1003 816 Nina Rismal

December 6, 2018 at 3 p.m. Robertson Gymnasium 1000A John U. Nef Distinguished Service Professor at the Committee on Social Thought and in the Department of Philosophy; Roman Family Director of…

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