Post-Doc Fellow, Venice Center
In Solidarity with the Future: The Arts as a Lab for the Blue Humanities
Tutor: Pietro Conte
Year: 2020-21
This post-doc is issued in collaboration with ECLT
Heather Contant
Heather Contant explores the collectivist tendencies of media arts through her research, teaching, and creative endeavors. Her research on the history of wireless media has gained recognition in multiple publications, such as Leonardo Music Journal, Soundscape, and Journal of Sonic Studies, and she was awarded the 2018 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Higher Degree Research for her PhD thesis from the University of New South Wales Art and Design in Sydney, Australia. Her current work investigates what she calls the generative collectivism of long-term environmentally sustainable media arts projects that take place in extreme environments. She seeks to understand how such projects facilitate the development of new theories, practices, and technologies of sustainable media that make it easier for other collectives to form and explore the possibilities of sustainable media in their own environmental circumstances as well.