Post-Doc Fellow, Venice Center
Supervisor: Francesco Vallerani
This post-doc is issued in collaboration with ECLT
Ifor Duncan
Ifor Duncan is a writer and inter-disciplinary researcher whose research concerns the relationships between political violence and watery spaces and materialities. He completed his PhD at the Centre for Research Architecture (CRA), Goldsmiths, University of London, where he developed the concept of necro-hydrology, which addresses the ways hydrologic properties are instrumentalised through border regimes, as technologies of obfuscation, and weaponised against marginalised communities. His current research project, Submergences, proposes to explore the ways hydrologic knowledges and practices can be mobilised to imagine alternate strategies of resistance against such forms of environmental weaponisation. Before joining the Center for the Humanities and Social Change at Ca’ Foscari, Ifor taught at the CRA and on the Media Studies programme in the School of Architecture at the Royal College of Art.