Igiaba Scego

Igiaba Scego 150 150 Barbara Del Mercato
Igiaba Scego

Post-Doc Fellow, Venice Center

Project: “Afrodescendants” in Post- World War II Italy: Experiences and Representations (1944-1979) (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Department of Humanities, tutor: prof. Ricciarda Ricorda)


Igiaba Scego

Igiaba Scego is a writer and a post-Doc researcher of the Center for the Humanities and Social Change at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. During her first year in Venice she focused on Italian colonialism and blackness in Italy. Scego examined colonialism and masculinity in the light of how culture functions, and what it means. Together with the other Fellows, she is also involved in the Center’s overarching theme of cultural pluralism.
She took part in several events organized by Ca’ Foscari University, such as the literary festival Incroci di Civiltà, where she interviewed the great African writer Ngugi wa Thiong’o. In april 2018 she was actively involved in the Afropean Bridges symposium, the first in a series of international workshops that are going to take place in Venice on Africa-EU relationships and on African-European identity, within the framework of the UN International Decade for People of African Descent.
In her capacity as a writer, in 20017-2018 Scego wrote two short stories based on her research (one of them is about to be published in Italy, the other in Germany), and edited an anthology for children about refugees (Italian publication due in November 2018).