Amitav Ghosh returns to Venice for Gun Island

Amitav Ghosh returns to Venice for Gun Island

Amitav Ghosh returns to Venice for Gun Island 1024 576 Barbara Del Mercato
Venice, January 29 at 5.30 p.m.
Aula Magna Ca’ Dolfin,  (Dorsoduro 3825D)

Fully booked/posti esauriti – Streaming on line/Diretta in streaming: here/qui and in Room 1 at Ca’ Dolfin / e in Aula 1 di Ca’ Dolfin

Amitav Ghosh returns to Venice for the new event in our “Environmental Humanities Seminar and Lecture Series”. He will be presenting his latest book,  Gun Island (translated in Italian in 2019 as L’isola dei fucili), in a conversation with the translator Anna Nadotti.

Please register online: > Amitav Ghosh

The event is fully booked, but it will be streaming online on January 29 starting at 5.30 pm on Ca’ Foscari’s Youtube channel 

A review of Gun Island published by The Guardian

Amitav Ghosh, Gun Island/L’isola dei fucili. The author discusses with the translator Anna Nadotti

Ca’ Dolfin (Aula Magna), Dorsoduro 3825/D- Venezia

January 29, 2020 –  5.30 p.m. 

This event is in English. Italian translation available/Evento in lingua inglese. Traduzione disponibile

Registration is required: please go to > Amitav Ghosh

E’ necessaria la prenotazione online tramite il sito: > Amitav Ghosh