June 11, 2020 at 5 p.m. CEST on GoogleMeet
If you would like to participate, please email hsc@unive.it to receive the access link.
The seminar is in English/Seminario in inglese
Gabriella Giannachi (University of Exeter): Performing Nature: Redefining Ecological Practice in the Era of Climate Change
In this seminar I build on past research into the performativity of nature to revisit a framework suggesting that artists have engaged with climate change largely through three strategies: representation, performance and mitigation, to affect our understanding of our changing relationship to nature and climate.
Gabriella Giannachi is Professor in Performance and New Media, and Director of the Centre for Intermedia and Creative Technologies at the University of Exeter, which promotes advanced interdisciplinary research in creative technologies by facilitating collaborations between academics from a range of disciplines with cultural and creative organisations. More here
This seminar is part of the “Water, water every where… Interdisciplinary online seminar series organised in collaboration with Ca’ Foscari’s Research Institute for Digital and Cultural Heritage and Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities