(scroll down for English)
Martedì 11 maggio alle ore 17.00 si terrà, sulla piattaforma Zoom, la presentazione del libro di Stefano Liberti Terra bruciata. Come la crisi ambientale sta cambiando l’Italia e la nostra vita (Rizzoli, 2020), organizzata dal Center for the Humanities and Social Change in collaborazione con Ca’ Foscari Sostenibile.
Tuesday 11 May, 5 p.m. CEST
Stefano Liberti, in conversation with Shaul Bassi (director, Center HSC) and Martina Gonano (Ca’ Foscari Sostenibile), presents his book Terra bruciata. How the environmental crisis is changing Italy and our lives, organised by the Center for the Humanities and Social Change in collaboration with Ca’ Foscari Sostenibile.
Stefano Liberti will take us on a journey through Italy to understand what is happening to our climate: glaciers are retreating, the coasts are being eroded by rising seas, and cities are becoming increasingly hot. But the alarm does not only concern the landscape: it involves agriculture, tourism, the safety of our homes and the availability of hydroelectric energy. It affects the daily life of each and every one of us.
To request access link, please email hsc@unive.it
This event is part of the Environmental Humanities Seminar and Lecture Series – V
ONLINE, May 11th, 5.00 p.m. CEST
To receive Zoom link, please email hsc@unive.it
Evento in italiano/This event is in Italian