Press Releases

photo of the founder and the Center directors;
Entrepreneur Erck Rickmers sets up international Foundation for Social Change 500 300 domonda

Entrepreneur Erck Rickmers sets up international Foundation for Social Change

The new foundation aims to analyse the underlying causes of the societal challenges in the 21st century, to encourage the development of new solutions, and to shape social change.

  • Initiative promotes humanities research into the societal challenges of our time
  • A collaboration with the Humboldt-University zu Berlin, the University of Cambridge, the University of California and Ca` Foscari University of Venice

Hamburg/Berlin, 27 February 2018. To promote interdisciplinary research into the major societal challenges of our times is the aspiration driving the “Humanities & Social Change International Foundation”, which is unveiled in Berlin today by the Hamburg-based entrepreneur Erck Rickmers (53). “I consider the world to be in a state of crisis – ecologically, economically, politically, culturally and spiritually,” said Rickmers. Committed to the guiding principles “Understand – Inspire – Change”, the foundation aims to analyse the underlying causes of the societal challenges in the 21st century and to encourage the development of new solutions, and thus to actively shape social change.

photo of the founder and the Center directors;

Pictured from left to right: Simon Goldhill, Rahel Jaeggi, Erck Rickmers, Tom Carlson, Shaul Bassi

Humanities & Social Change is establishing and funding an international network of initially four research centres. These include centres at the Humboldt-University zu Berlin, the University of Cambridge, the University of California and Ca` Foscari University of Venice. “I am delighted that we have been able to attract these leading universities and prevail upon such distinguished and internationally renowned scholars and scientists to take over as directors of the four research centres,” said Erck Rickmers.

  • The centre in Berlin, which is headed by Rahel Jaeggi, Professor of Practical Philosophy at the Humboldt-University, will focus on the crisis of capitalism and democracy.
  • Led by Simon Goldhill, Professor of Greek at the University of Cambridge, the centre in Cambridge will conduct interdisciplinary research on the impact of technical innovation on society.
  • The centre based at the University of California, Santa Barbara, which is headed by Thomas Carlson, Professor of Philosophy and Religion, will examine the interplay of facts, values and truth at a time when these seem to be of dwindling importance in the public debate.
  • The topic of cultural pluralism in a world of increasing migration and religious conflicts will be the focus of research at the centre in Venice, where the team will be led by Shaul Bassi, Professor of English Literature at Ca‘ Foscari University.

The aim of the foundation and its initiatives is to champion the importance and influence of the humanities and social sciences in public discourse concerning the challenges facing today’s societies. In light of the increasing power of technology in all areas of life, this interdisciplinary approach will create a more intense and productive interconnection between the humanities, the natural sciences and technology.

“In this quest to find constructive solutions, the international scholars will actively seek to engage in direct dialogue with representatives from the world of politics, economics, the media, literature and the arts,” Rickmers said.

Public symposia, lectures, confidential panel discussions and art projects will prove to be ideal platforms for an exchange of ideas with various target groups.

About the Humanities & Social Change International Foundation

The Hamburg-based Humanities & Social Change International Foundation gGmbH (HSC) is a privately financed, independent and non-partisan institution. Its aim is to champion the importance and influence of the humanities and social sciences in public discourse on the challenges facing today’s societies. HSC maintains four international research centres, each with its own thematic focus. These are based at the Humboldt-University of Berlin/Germany, the University of Cambridge/UK, the University of California, Santa Barbara/USA and Ca‘ Foscari University of Venice/Italy. HSC is funding the work of around 40 academics and scholars at these four locations and has allocated an initial budget in the double-Digit million range for a period of five years.

Committed to the guiding principles “Understand – Inspire – Change”, the academic work conducted at the four research centres aims to analyse the underlying causes of societal challenges in the 21st century, encourage the development of new solutions and thus actively shape social change.


Erck Rickmers in profile

Erck Rickmers comes from a North German family of entrepreneurs who have been active in shipping, trading and industry since 1834. In 1988, at the age of 24, he set up his own business. Today, his activities in the fields of real estate, corporate equity investments and shipping are managed by E.R. Capital Holding.

From 2011 to 2012 Erck Rickmers was an elected member of the Hamburg State Parliament. He chaired the committee on economics, innovation and media and was a member of both the budget committee and the committee on public enterprise. Rickmers and his family lived in the USA from 2015 to 2017, during which time he completed a graduate programme in Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he was awarded a Master of Arts (MA) in the summer of 2017. Rickmers is married to Cristina Sartori, who hails from Bergamo (Northern Italy). The couple has five daughters.

Erck Rickmers and Rahel Jaeggi
Humboldt University in Berlin Founds A Research Center On Social Change 500 300 domonda

Humboldt University in Berlin Founds A Research Center On Social Change

Berlin, 27 February 2018. Under the direction of the Humboldt Professor Rahel Jaeggi (Philosophy), the center will examine the crises of democracy and capitalism from a contemporary perspective and in philosophical and basic theoretical terms.

The new research center is the product of an initiative of the Hamburg businessman Erck Rickmers and is financed by the Humanities & Social Change International Foundation that he founded. The Foundation has already started other centers at the University of Cambridge, the University of California and the Universitá da Venezia Ca`Foscari. These centers will be connected with one another

Erck Rickmers and Rahel Jaeggi

Erck Rickmers (l.) and Rahel Jaeggi

Social change is both the object and the aim of the Center’s work. The Center for Humanities and Social Change at the HU pursues a broadly conceived research perspective, drawing on the specific resources of the humanities and social philosophy. Democracy is not understood here purely as a form of government and capitalism is not understood simply as an economic formation. Rather, as networks of social institutions and practices, both are grasped as socio-cultural forms of life. The investigations take crisis-ridden, negative dynamics as their point of departure and thereby look at phenomena like contradictions, evidence of erosion, social pathologies, anomalies, and tensions – within, but also between the economic and political spheres of modern societies. The Center’s work is meant to contribute to the analysis of social processes of transformation and to pose questions on the basis of this analysis, in order to support emancipatory change.

“‘Critical Theory is the theoretical side of the practical process of emancipation.’ This is how Max Horkheimer formulated it in 1937. To this end, one has to analyze the crises of the present day and monitor the tensions tied to the social conflicts of our time, but also the emancipatory hopes they contain. The Center is meant to open a space for debate, in which different perspectives, interpretations, approaches, and proposals meet.”

Rahel Jaeggi, Founding Director of the Center for Humanities and Social Change at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

“‘Critical Theory is the theoretical side of the practical process of emancipation.’ This is how Max Horkheimer formulated it in 1937. To this end, one has to analyze the crises of the present day and monitor the tensions tied to the social conflicts of our time, but also the emancipatory hopes they contain. The Center is meant to open a space for debate, in which different perspectives, interpretations, approaches, and proposals meet.”

Sabine Kunst, President of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

“I perceive the world as being in a state of crisis: ecologically, economically, politically, culturally, and spiritually. Under the leitmotiv “Understand – Inspire – Change”, the Foundation is meant to analyze the fundamental causes of the social challenges of the 21st century, to inspire new solutions, and thereby to help shape social change in a positive way.”

Erck Rickmers, Founder of the Humanities & Social Change International Foundation.

For additional information


Prof. Dr. Rahel Jaeggi

Department of Philosophy and Center for Humanities and Social Change
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Tel.: 030 2093-2146


Hans-Christoph Keller
Spokesperson of the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Head of the Press and Public Relations Office
Tel.: 030 2093-2332

CA’ Foscari ‘Task Force’ Studies Global Changes – The First Humanities & Social Change Centre in Venice 1024 576 domonda

CA’ Foscari ‘Task Force’ Studies Global Changes – The First Humanities & Social Change Centre in Venice

Erck Rickmers donated more than €1 million to the University for the project in which 20 researchers from Ca’ Foscari will be involved over the next three years.

VENICE – 17 May 2017. The International Centre for Humanities and Social Change was founded in Venice in 2017. It was established on the initiative of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Humanities and Social Change International Foundation in order to start a research programme on the effects of globalisation on contemporary society.

Over the next three years, 20 Ca’ Foscari researchers will study global changes and inequality, analyse social and religious conflicts, and will examine their impact on all aspects of society. A multi-disciplinary project, in which humanistic culture plays a strategic role when it comes to facing our current challenges.

The International Centre for Humanities and Social Change is the first centre of an international network that will involve prestigious universities from all over the world and will connect scholars from different fields.

The aim of the Centre is to create and develop a multi-disciplinary research programme in human and social sciences, to establish dialogue with other art, science and technology sectors, as well as experts in the field of work, media and information, politics and other stakeholders. The aim is to help to find answers to the most relevant and pressing issues of contemporary society and its technological, cultural and economic development, and to provide recommendations and solutions for political decision-makers.

The Centre was founded with the support of Erck Rickmers, Chairman of the Humanities and Social Change International Foundation, who donated €1,125,000 to Ca’ Foscari for the first three years of the project.

Rector of Ca’ Foscari, Michele Bugliesi: «Ca’ Foscari is a strong believer in this project which, thanks to the support of the HSC Foundation, will employ twenty professors, researchers, locals and PhD students, who will address key topical issues, working in teams and collaborating with other scholars from all over the world. Venice becomes the centre of scientific work that will investigate our current social problems and cultural changes. I would like to thank Erck Rickmers for choosing to support the Ca’ Foscari project in the city of Venice.“

„In view of the growing social and political challenges that we are faced with all over the world, I would like to enhance the participation of the humanities in public debate. The economy now appears to have a predominant influence over our society. However, we still need a more holistic approach to resolving contemporary global problems. Having spent much time in Venice, I am delighted to support this capital city of culture and its renowned Ca’ Foscari University.“

– Erck Rickmers, Chairman of the Humanities and Social Change International Foundation

The Centre’s scientific committee is composed of the following members: Shaul Bassi (Director), Sabrina Marchetti, Tiziana Lippiello and Massimo Warglien.

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Communication Office:
Federica Ferrarin: Tel. 041 2348118 – 366 6297904 – 335 5472229
Enrico Costa: Tel. 041 2348004 – 347 8728096
Paola Vescovi: Tel. 041 2348005 – 366 6279602 – 339 1744126
Federica Scotellaro: Tel. 041 2348113 – 366 6297906

Ca’ Foscari news: news.unive.itn