with Lisa Vollmer, Mustafa Dikeç, Christian Volk and Robin Celikates
Gentrification and neoliberalization have shaped the cities we live in but also given rise to urban struggles, from uprisings to social movements advocating for rent control and tenants‘ rights. What are the dynamics shaping the city as both a field and object of social and political protests and movements? What possibilities and limitations characterize the various forms of urban struggle, and to what extent are they able to create concrete alternatives and to transform urban politics? And how can urban struggles overcome the many cleavages that characterize the modern city and develop counterstrategies to neoliberal individualization and state repression?
Lisa Vollmer is a researcher and lecturer at the Institute for European Urban Studies at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and a member of the Berlin-based political initiative Stadt von unten/City from Below. Her research interests include urban social movements, gentrification and housing. Among her recent publications is Strategien gegen Gentrifizierung (Schmetterling, 2018).
Mustafa Dikeç is Professor of Urban Studies at the École d’urbanisme de Paris (EUP) and researcher at Malmö University. His work is located at the intersection of space and politics, urban uprisings, and temporal urban infrastructures. His most recent book is Urban Rage: The Revolt of the Excluded (Yale University Press, 2017).