
Environmental Humanities Seminar and Lecture Series (I) 1024 576 Barbara Del Mercato

Environmental Humanities Seminar and Lecture Series (I)

The Center for the Humanities and Social Change is organising a series of seminars and lectures revolving around the Environmental Humanities from a wide array of perspectives.

Upcoming events:
13 Novembre/November, 10.30 a.m. Ca’ Bottacin
Anu Kannike, Food for Thought: Museums as Agents of Food Heritage (*seminar – ENG) Cancelled due to extraordinary weather conditions

25 Novembre/November, 5.30 p.m. Ca’ Bottacin
Emanuele Montibeller, Arte Sella: l’arte incontra la natura (ITA)

5 Dicembre/December: 5.30 p.m. Ca’ Bottacin
Grazia Francescato, L’arte eretica della sostenibilità (ITA)

10 Dicembre/December, 2.00 p.m. Ca’ Bottacin
Alessandra Chiricosta, Reframing Ecofeminism in a Posthuman Era (*seminar – ENG)

13 Gennaio/January, 4.00 p.m. Ca’ Bottacin
Marco Armiero, Storia ambientale, ovvero come godersi un po’ di riconoscimento accademico senza essere (troppo) disciplinati (ITA)

29 Gennaio/January, 5.30 p.m. Ca’ Dolfin
Amitav Ghosh. L’isola dei fucili (Neri Pozza 2019) L’autore discute con/The author discusses with Anna Nadotti (ENG/ITA)

Ca’ Bottacin, Dorsoduro 3911.
lectures: Aula A
seminars: Aula seminari HSC (primo piano)/ HSC seminar room (1st floor)

Ca’ Dolfin, Dorsoduro 3825/D
Aula Magna Silvio Trentin

L’iscrizione ai *seminari è obbligatoria/
Registration is required for *seminars:

The calendar will continue into July 2020, so please check back for updates on the second part of the series, starting in February 2020

Endless Happiness: Confessions of a Recovering Addict 889 1024 Tom Carlson

Endless Happiness: Confessions of a Recovering Addict

November 1, 2019 at 2 p.m.

Robertson Gymnasium 1000A

I set out to write about how to be happy, and my questions about happiness led me to a consideration of addiction because I began to notice a fundamental similarity: Like addicts, we mortals suffer a dependence on finite substances for our happiness, and their passing away always brings a comedown. To think through the implications of this parallel, I went to Augustine’s Confessions—one of the most poignant and impactful reflections on the relationship between death and happiness in the Western tradition. My original research question, “What does it mean for a human to be happy?” transformed through my readings of Augustine into “If being human is a ‘condition’, then what are its symptoms, and, furthermore, what would it mean to recover from it?” In this essay, “Endless Happiness,” I analyze Augustine’s own attempt to come to terms with the fact that, for us mortals, being happy means having something to lose.


Luke McCracken is a PhD student in Religious Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, specializing in existential philosophy and the history of Christian thought. His research focuses on questions of happiness, mortality, coping with loss, and nihilism. His published work includes, most recently, an article with the Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory, “A Note on Pre-Positions: Methodology in the Continental Philosophy of Religion,” and a translation of Emmanuel Falque’s The Loving Struggle: Phenomenological and Theological Debates.

Environmental Humanities Seminar and Lecture Series. A seminar with Elizabeth DeLoughrey: The Postcolonial Roots of the Environmental Humanities 1024 576 Barbara Del Mercato

Environmental Humanities Seminar and Lecture Series. A seminar with Elizabeth DeLoughrey: The Postcolonial Roots of the Environmental Humanities

Venice, October 18 – 2.00-4.00 p.m.
Ca’ Bottacin (Dorsoduro 3911), HSC seminar room (1st floor)

Registration is necessary: please email

The Center for the Humanities and Social Change is dedicating its third year to the role that the humanities can play in tackling the climate crisis affecting the planet. After the lecture by Serenella Iovino, we inaugurate our seminars with Elizabeth deLoughrey, Associate Professor in English and at the Institute for the Environment and Sustainability at the University of California, Los Angeles, who will discuss The Postcolonial Roots of the Environmental Humanities.

Please sign up if you would like to attend:

Preparatory reading here (Elizabeth DeLoughrey, Jill Didur, and Anthony Carrigan,  A postcolonial Environmental Humanities – Introduction to Elizabeth DeLoughrey, Jill Didur, and Anthony Carrigan (eds.) Global Ecologies and the Environmental Humanities. Postocolonial Approaches, Routledge, London 2015.


A seminar with Elizabeth deLoughrey: The Postcolonial Roots of the Environmental Humanities

October 18, 2019, 2.00-4.00 p,m. 

This seminar is in English/Seminario in lingua inglese

Registration is necessary: please email

With the World at Heart: Studies in the Secular Today 682 1024 Tom Carlson

With the World at Heart: Studies in the Secular Today

October 18, 2019 at 2 p.m.

Robertson Gymnasium 1000A

Based on a reading of key chapters from Thomas A. Carlson’s With the World at Heart: Studies in the Secular Today (University of Chicago Press, 2019), and touching on a range of thinkers from Saint Augustine through Martin Heidegger to more recent theorists of “secularization,” this seminar discussion with the author will aim to explore and elucidate 1) the different understandings of time—and especially of the future—that most decisively shape contemporary debate about the meaning of “secular” modernity; 2) the role of human affection, and of love specifically, in the human enterprise of world-building; and 3) the work of education in shaping our affective relations to the world and its futures.

The seminar will be followed by a reception.


Thomas Carlson, With the World at Heart: Studies in the Secular Today, Introduction, Ch. 5, Ch. 7 & Conclusion.

Those pressed for time should focus on Chapter 5 and the concluding “Last Look.”

For those interested, the entire book is available on reserve in the Davidson Library under the call number BD 436 .C375 2019.

Serenella Iovino. Enrvironmental Humanities: Istruzioni per l’uso 800 450 Barbara Del Mercato

Serenella Iovino. Enrvironmental Humanities: Istruzioni per l’uso

Venice, October 7 at 4.30 p.m.
Aula A Ca’ Bottacin (Dorsoduro 3911)

The Center for the Humanities and Social Change is dedicating its third year to the role that the humanities can play in tackling the climate crisis affecting the planet. On October 7, Serenella Iovino will inaugurate a series of lectures and seminars dedicated to the Environmental Humanities, an interdisciplinary area of research that is rapidly expanding throughout the world as a response to the need to rethink the relationship between academic knowledge and the environmental emergency, will open. Serenella Iovino, an Italian scholar who holds a chair of Environmental Humanities at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has also dedicated precious critical reflections to Italy and Venice, inviting us to rethink our cultural canon in an ecological perspective.

ITALIANO – Il Center for the Humanities and Social Change dedica il suo terzo anno di attività al ruolo che le discipline umanistiche possono giocare nell’affrontare la crisi climatica che coinvolge il pianeta. Con il 7 ottobre si apre infatti un ciclo di conferenze e seminari dedicati alle Environmental Humanities – le scienze umane ambientali – un’area interdisciplinare di ricerca che si sta rapidamente espandendo in tutto il mondo come risposta all’esigenza di ripensare il rapporto tra i saperi accademici e l’emergenza ambientale. Si apre con Serenella Iovino, studiosa italiana che occupa una cattedra di environmental humanities negli Stati Uniti e che proprio all’Italia (e a Venezia) ha dedicato preziose riflessioni critiche, invitandoci a ripensare il nostro canone culturale in prospettiva ecologica.

Serenelle Iovino (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill): Le Environmental Humanities: istruzioni per l’uso

October 7, 4.30 p,m. 

This event is in Italian/Evento in lingua italiana

Free admission/Aperto a tutti

Tiziano Scarpa e Debora Petrina: Dove vai quando sei fuori di te 1003 487 Barbara Del Mercato

Tiziano Scarpa e Debora Petrina: Dove vai quando sei fuori di te

Venezia, 24/09/2019, alle ore 18 nell’Aula Magna dell’Ateneo Veneto uno spettacolo con testi e musiche inedite

Scrive Tiziano Scarpa: “L’installazione di EDMUND DE WAAL intitolata PSALM riguarda in vari modi il dell’esilio. La Library of Exile, allestita nell’Aula Magna dell’Ateneo Veneto, è un cubo-biblioteca bianchissimo, dove leggere, meditare, sentirsi al tempo stesso accolti ed esclusi, in un ambiente confortevole e alieno. In questo luogo modificato, come un iperspazio a più di tre dimensioni, sono stati organizzati incontri, conferenze, concerti sul tema dell’ESILIO. Shaul Bassi ha chiesto a me e Debora Petrina di inventarci qualcosa su questo tema. È nato così DOVE VAI QUANDO SEI FUORI DI TE: musiche e testi che dialogano, si rispondono a vicenda. Debora canta le sue stupende canzoni nuove, tutte in italiano, eseguendole al pianoforte. E dal pianoforte preparato tira fuori suoni inauditi per sorreggere le mie parole ritmate, composte in agili settenari e ottonari percussivi. ”

Qui il programma completo degli eventi organizzati intorno alla mostra di Edmund de Waal psalm

Please find here the complete cultural program organised around Edmund de Waal’s psalm.


Maggiori informazioni su psalm qui/ Learn more about psalm here

Dove vai quando sei fuori di te: Tiziano Scarpa e Debora Petrina

September 24 2019, 6 p.m./ore 18 Ateneo Veneto (Aula Magna) San Marco 1897

This event is in Italian/Evento in lingua italiana

Booking is required/prenotazione necessaria:

Debora Petrina e Tiziano Scarpa
Storie di esilio e di successo: greco e greci a Venezia 1003 487 Barbara Del Mercato

Storie di esilio e di successo: greco e greci a Venezia

Un nuovo evento nel programma culturale legato alla mostra psalm di Edmund de Waal  (8 maggio – 29 settembre 2019) 

Venezia, 23/09/2019, con inizio alle ore 16 presso la Sala Tommaseo dell’Ateneo Veneto: Tavola rotonda sul tema Storie di esilio e di successo – Greco e greci a Venezia

Nell’ambito delle iniziative culturali promosse dallo scrittore ed artista Edmund de Waal e dal Center for Humanities and Social Change dell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, a margine della mostra psalm, sui temi della traduzione, dell’esilio, dei confini, delle migrazioni e della diaspora, si svolgerà -presso l’Ateneo Veneto – una tavola rotonda dedicata all’esilio dei greci a Venezia in seguito alla caduta di Costantinopoli (1453).

Lo sviluppo delle competenze scientifiche e letterarie dell’epoca ebbe un notevole incremento grazie a tale fenomeno storico-politico, che contribuì in modo significativo alla conoscenza diretta della lingua greca. In seguito all’esodo di persone e di libri il mondo occidentale conobbe una vera e propria rivoluzione culturale. A parlare della fortuna della diffusione della lingua greca a Venezia nell’età dell’invenzione della stampa e del ruolo del greco e dei greci a Venezia saranno Niccolò Zorzi (docente di Filologia bizantina, Università di Padova); Margherita Losacco (docente di Filologia Classica, Università di Padova); Konstantinos Staikos (storico del libro, Atene), Marco Vigevani (presidente dell’agenzia letteraria The Italian Literary Agency).

Coordina Caterina Carpinato (docente di lingua e letteratura neogreca, Università Ca’ Foscari).

L’iniziativa è inserita nel Cartellone d’Autunno “Tempo Forte” 2019, per la promozione delle relazioni culturali fra Italia e Grecia.

Qui il programma completo degli eventi organizzati intorno alla mostra di Edmund de Waal psalm

Please find here the complete cultural program organised around Edmund de Waal’s psalm.


Maggiori informazioni su psalm qui/ Learn more about psalm here

Storie di esilio e di successo: Greco e greci a Venezia: September 23 2019, 4 p.m./ore 16 Ateneo Veneto (Sala Tommaseo) San Marco 1897

This event is in Italian/Evento in lingua italiana

Free event, no booking is required

Accesso libero fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili. Non è necessaria la prenotazione.

Dummy Image
The Library of Memory 540 385 Barbara Del Mercato

The Library of Memory

David Grossman and Edmund de Waal among speakers at three day international symposium linked to de Waal’s exhibition “psalm” (Sept. 18-20)

Booking is essential:

David Grossman and Edmund de Waal’s conversation (September 20th at 4.00 p.m. at Auditorium Santa Margherita)  is introduced by Flavio Gregori. Booking for this specific event can also be done by clicking  here

Please find here the complete cultural program organised around Edmund de Waal’s psalm.

Learn more about psalm here

Sands, Mendelsohn, Aciman 800 450 Barbara Del Mercato

Sands, Mendelsohn, Aciman

Three great writers come to Venice for the cultural program organized around Edmund de Waal’s exhibition “psalm” (May 8th-Sept 29th, 2019)

5 September, 5.30 p.m.

Ca’ Bottacin, Dorsoduro 3911, Venice
Writing Memory and Human Rights
Philippe Sands in conversation with Sara De Vido

The event is in English
Free event. No booking required

9 September, 5.30 p.m.
An Odyssey.Daniel Mendelsohn interviewed by Pietro Del Soldà
Aula Baratto, Ca’ Foscari, Dorsoduro 3246
The event is in English. Italian translation available
Free event. No booking required.

11 September, 5.30 p.m.
André Aciman: Reflections on Elsewhere (with Igiaba Scego)
Ateneo Veneto (Sala Tommaseo)
Campo San Fantin, San Marco 1897
The event is in Italian
Free event. No booking required

Please find here the complete cultural program organised around Edmund de Waal’s psalm.

Learn more about psalm here

September program of events around Edmund de Waal’s psalm: 1024 629 Barbara Del Mercato

September program of events around Edmund de Waal’s psalm:

A whole month of new events in the cultural program organized around Edmund de Waal’s exhibition “psalm” (open to the public from May 8th to Sept 29th, 2019)

Edmund de Waal   psalm

Cultural Programme – September 2019

1 September
11.30 a.m., 3.00 p.m.
European Day of Jewish Culture
Guided tour of psalm with the Jewish Museum staff
Jewish Museum, Campo del Ghetto Nuovo
Free event. Booking essential:
In collaboration with Coopculture

5 September, 5.30 p.m.
Writing Memory and Human Rights
Philippe Sands in conversation with Sara De Vido
Ca’ Bottacin, Dorsoduro 3911
The event is in English
Free event. No booking required

9 September, 5.30pm
An Odyssey.Daniel Mendelsohn interviewed by Pietro Del Soldà
Aula Baratto, Ca’ Foscari, Dorsoduro 3246
The event is in English. Italian translation available
Free event. No booking required.

11 September,5.30 p.m.
André Aciman: Reflections on Elsewhere (with Igiaba Scego)
Ateneo Veneto (Sala Tommaseo)
Campo San Fantin, San Marco 1897
The event is in Italian
Free event. No booking required

15 September
11.30a.m.-3.00 p.m.
European Day of Jewish Culture: ‘Dreams’
Guided tour of psalm with the Jewish Museum staff
11.30 a.m. Guided tour in English
3 p.m. Guided tour in Italian
Jewish Museum, Campo del Ghetto Nuovo
Free event. Booking essential:
In collaboration with Coopculture

18-20 September
The Library of Memory – International Symposium

18 September 6.00 p.m.
Marc-Alain OuakninVenise, le Talmud, le Carnaval et les confetti/Venice, the Talmud, Carnival and the confetti/Venezia, il Talmud, il carnevale e i coriandoli

Presented by/introduce Giuseppe Balzano
Ateneo Veneto (Sala Tommaseo)
Campo San Fantin, San Marco 1897
The event is in French, Italian and English translation available
Free event. No booking required
In collaboration with Beit Venezia

19 September, 9.15 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Ateneo Veneto (Sala Tommaseo)
Campo San Fantin, San Marco 1897
With: Edmund de Waal, Mehnaz Afridi, Alessandro Bertoni, Tom Cartelli, John Champagne, Marc Epstein, Yoel Finkelman, Eva Hoffman, Mary Hoffman, Jacqueline Nicholls, Fania Oz-Salzberger, Dorit Raines, Bill Sherman, Gretchen Starr Le Beau

20 September, 9.15 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Ateneo Veneto (Sala Tommaseo)
Campo San Fantin, San Marco 1897
With: Murray Baumgarten, Margaret Brose, Simon Levis Sullam, Daniel Vogelmann, Yigal Zalmona

20 September, 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
David Grossman and Edmund de Waal in conversation
Auditorium Santa Margherita, Dorsoduro 3689
The event is in English, Italian translation available
Free event. Booking essential: book here
In collaboration with Beit Venezia, National Library of Israel, Mishkenot Shaananim, Jewish Museum of Venice

23 September, 4.00 p.m.
Storie di esilio e di successo: greco e greci a Venezia.
With Caterina Carpinato, Margherita Losacco, Kostantinos Staikos, Marco Vigevani, Niccolò Zorzi
Ateneo Veneto (Sala Tommaseo)
Campo San Fantin, San Marco 1897
The event is in Italian
Free event. No booking required
In collaboration with the Department of Humanities at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

24 September, 6.00 p.m.
Dove vai quando sei fuori di te, with Debora Petrina (piano, voice) and Tiziano Scarpa (metric voice)
Ateneo Veneto (Aula Magna)
Campo San Fantin, San Marco 1897
The event is in Italian
Free event. Booking essential:

25 September, 6.00 p.m.
Ararat and Beyond: Frank Westerman
Ateneo Veneto (Sala Tommaseo)
Campo San Fantin, San Marco 1897
The event is in English
Free event. No booking required
In collaboration with: Waterlines, Collegio Internazionale Ca’ Foscari, Fondazione Venezia, San Servolo Servizi Metropolitani

Exile in Ancient Rome: Matthew Kneale in conversation with Lorenzo Calvelli – ANNULLATO/CANCELLED
Ca’ Bottacin, Dorsoduro 3911
The event is in English
Free event. No booking required

In collaboration with:
Barchetta Blu
Bollati Boringhieri
Ca’ Foscari – Harvard Summer School Collegio Internazionale Ca’ Foscari
Department of Humanities, Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Jerusalem Foundation
Jewish Book Week
Jewish Studies Program, Vassar College
Mishkenot Shaananim
National Library of Israel

This programme was made possible with the generous support of: The Blavatnik Family Foundation, Debbi and Richard Burston, Suzanne Deal Booth, Maryam and Edward Eisler, The Prism Foundation.

These events are associated with Edmund de Waal’s exhibit psalm,

open to the public from May 8 until September 29, 2019
(hours 10.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. Mon-Fri and Sun; closed Saturdays)
located at the Ateneo Veneto and the Jewish Museum of Venice.


Please find here the complete cultural program organised around Edmund de Waal’s psalm.

Learn more about psalm here