Environmental Humanities Seminar and Lecture Series (III)

Environmental Humanities Seminar and Lecture Series (III)

Environmental Humanities Seminar and Lecture Series (III) 1024 638 Barbara Del Mercato

The Center for the Humanities and Social Change continues its series of seminars and lectures revolving around the Environmental Humanities from a wide array of perspectives.

12 Ottobre/October, 5.30 p.m. Ca’ Bottacin
Elizabeth Povinelli, Geontologies: Story and Stories of a Concept. With Roberta Raffaetà and Franca Tamisari (ENG)

19 Ottobre/October, 5.30 p.m. Update Oct. 19th: This event is online only. LINK (Zoom)
William Dalrymple, The Anarchy: The East India Company, corporate violence and the pillage of an Empire (ENG)

30 Ottobre/October, 5.30 p.m. Update: This event is online only. LINK (Zoom)
Alessandra Viola & Pietro Del Soldà, Flower Power. Le piante e i loro diritti  (ITA)

6 Novembre/November, 3.00 p.m. Online. Registration is required. Please email: hsc@unive.it to receive link and preparatory reading material.
Daniel Finch-Race, Anaesthetised Atmospherics in French and Italian Art of the Industrial Age (Seminar, ENG)

13 Novembre/November, 4.00 p.m. This event is online only. LINK (Zoom)
Andrea Gessner & Michele Luzzatto, Scienza e ambiente agli occhi dell’editoria italiana (ITA)

23 Novembre/23 November, 3.00 p.m. Registration is required. Please email: hsc@unive.it to receive link and preparatory reading material.
Ifor Duncan, Submergences: from Necro-Hydrology to the Waters of the Powerless (Seminar, ENG)

24 Novembre/November, 10.30 a.m. Registration is required. Please email: hsc@unive.it to receive link
Carmen Concilio, Water and mega dams in post colonial literature and photography (ENG)

30 Novembre/November, 3.00 p.m.  Registration is required. Please email: hsc@unive.it to receive link and any preparatory reading material.
Heather Contant, Generative Collectivism in the Past, Present, and Future (Seminar, ENG)

2 Dicembre/December,
Cities-to-come in Metropolitan Asia
In collaborazione con/In collaboration with Ocean Space (ENG)

11 Dicembre/December, 3.00 p.m. – Registration is required. Please email: hsc@unive.it to receive link and any preparatory reading material.
Costanza Sartoris & Massimo Warglien, Rethinking the artificial: the case of living root bridges (Seminar, ENG)

21 Dicembre/December, 5.30 p.m. This event is online only. LINK (Zoom)
L’attivismo ambientale a Venezia (ITA). Con Jane Da Mosto (We Are Here Venice), Greta Schiavo (XR Venezia), Francesco Gonella (XR Scientists)


Ca’ Bottacin, Dorsoduro 3911 (Unless otherwise stated) MAP

L’iscrizione è obbligatoria per i seminari/Registration is required for seminars. Please email: hsc@unive.it

Per partecipare via Zoom (solo per le conferenze)/To participate via Zoom (lectures only): use this link

Immagine/Image: Gianni Moretti, Nella seconda stanza d’allarme e protezione (Venezia Riparte, 2020)