The Strange End of the Catholic-Protestant Conflict and the Genesis of Europe’s Harsh Religious Pluralism

The Strange End of the Catholic-Protestant Conflict and the Genesis of Europe’s Harsh Religious Pluralism 968 726 Tom Carlson

Monday, December 9, 2019 at 6 p.m. Robertson Gymnasium 1000A A series of recent controversies has raised many questions about Europe’s treatment of its religious minorities. Why do societies that…

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Perfection and Disaster

Perfection and Disaster 1024 768 Tom Carlson

Friday, December 6, 2019 at 2 p.m. Robertson Gymnasium 1000A In this essay I am less concerned with developing a cogent and persuasive argument than I am in posing and…

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Modalities of the Perhaps: Secularity, Post-humanism, Uncertainty

Modalities of the Perhaps: Secularity, Post-humanism, Uncertainty 1024 767 Tom Carlson

Monday, December 2, 2019 at 6 p.m. Robertson Gymnasium 1000A Even as multispecies and post-humanist scholarship expands definitions of being, it nonetheless restricts other-than-humans to entities that previously went under…

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Attending to the Lessons of the Pond: Henry David Thoreau’s “Revery”

Attending to the Lessons of the Pond: Henry David Thoreau’s “Revery” 1024 768 Tom Carlson

Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 2 p.m. Robertson Gymnasium 1000A In the forced labor camp of attention that is society today, many find that being attentive leads to distractedness, their…

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Meaning and Melancholia: Leo Tolstoy, Max Weber, William James

Meaning and Melancholia: Leo Tolstoy, Max Weber, William James 150 150 Tom Carlson

November 15, 2019 at 2 p.m. Robertson Gymnasium 1000A For a century now, Max Weber’s famous description of the genesis of the modern world as a gradual process of “disenchantment,”…

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